Advanced Retinal Imaging
In a continued effort to bring the most advanced technology to our patients, we are proud to announce the inclusion of Ultra-Wide Field Eidon Retinal Imaging as part of your comprehensive eye examination.
Our doctors of optometry are concerned about the health of your eyes including retinal problems such as macular degeneration, retinal holes or tears, retinal detachment, and glaucoma as well as systemic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions can lead to serious ocular or health problems, including partial loss of vision or blindness, and can often develop without warning or symptoms.
We strongly believe in the use of this technology as an integral tool in determining your eye health as well as creating a more comprehensive baseline record of the current condition of your eyes.
The Eidon Retinal Imaging benefits include:
• Provides a high resolution, detailed image of the surface of the retina the doctors will use to better discuss your examination today.
• Provides a digital image that is a permanent record in your medical file which gives the doctors a year to year comparison for tracking and diagnosing potential eye disease.
• The retinal imaging allows the doctors approximately FIVE times wider view inside the eye than can be seen without dilation.
• The imaging procedure is painless and quick, taking approximately two minute per eye.